Your Ultimate Guide To Common Pests


Snake Repellent and Snake Control Tips: Keeping Your Home Snake-Free

Snakes are extremely common in Georgia, even in the surrounding Atlanta area. Don’t worry though! Though their presence can be disconcerting, especially in your home. Snakes play a critical role in maintaining our environment’s overall ecological balance. Luckily the majority of our local snakes are harmless. nonetheless, they are too close for comfort proximity to our homes is not ideal.

Don’t worry because our expert team is trained to be able to accurately identify areas susceptible to snake habitation. Additionally, by implementing effective control measures along with appropriate snake-repellent strategies, Pure Defense pest solutions can help you significantly reduce the likelihood of close encounters with these scaley reptiles.

For now, here are a few of our quick tips and tricks on the snakes common in your area and how to avoid them!

Identifying Snakes and Their Habits

Snakes come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors, yet they all share key habits and characteristics, that help us know where they hide and hunt. While a few species around us are venomous. We’re fortunate because the majority are harmless and play a crucial role in controlling other pests we try to avoid such as insects and rodents.

We want to keep snakes out of and away from our homes while still existing in our nearby environments. That’s why it’s vital to understand their biology and habits for effective snake management.

A black racer snake on the ground, showcasing its sleek body and distinctive features.
A close-up of a brown snake showcasing its distinctive markings and features, emphasizing its potential to bite.
Venomous copperhead snake on rocky ground with camouflage markings.

1) Snake Repellent Plants and Grounds-Keeping Habits

One of the key ways to confidently deter snakes is to maintain a well-kept yard. By regularly mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, and removing debris, to keep up your surrounding area, You’re able to eliminate potential hiding spots and discourage snakes from slithering into your yard. The plants you use for landscaping can also create an active ecosystem while also repelling snakes. Plants such as marigolds, lemongrass, and garlic all contribute to an effective strategy to keep snakes away. By taking these first steps you will help keep your yard snake free.

2) Preventing Snake Entry Points

Snakes in your yard aren’t ideal but inside your home? That’s a scream and a call to the snake wrangler! How a snake even gets into our home is the question often asked. Unfortunately, snakes often enter our houses from gaps, cracks, and holes in unexpected places. The obvious solution is, to keep snakes out in the first place. This is why your home needs to be routinely inspected for potential entry points common for snakes, such as gaps close to the ground in crawl spaces, basements, under doors, cracked foundations, and holes in the walls. Lastly, try to keep doors, windows, and garage doors closed, especially during warmer months when snakes are most active in their environment.

3) Removing Attractive Features

One of the questions our team gets asked is, how to get rid of black snakes here in Georgia? Well, snakes are always attracted to areas with abundant prey and shelter. Fortunately and unfortunately, that happens to often be the habitats that we exist in too.

Here are 3 ways you can attempt to deter snakes away from your home and surrounding area:

1) You can try to reduce snakes’ access to their common prey by keeping trash cans tightly sealed, cleaned, and maintained so as not to attract rodents.

2)Additionally, trimming overhanging tree branches and vines can prevent snakes from gaining access to your roof.

3) Lastly, hiring a pest control company to implement a preventative plan to control rodents will be one of the best snake-repellent activities that you will ever do for your home.

4) Professional Snake Control & Repellent Services

One of the best ways you can deal with a snake infestation and snake removal, is by hiring a professional snake control service, such as our team here at, PureDefense, because experienced snake exterminators can safely remove snakes from your property. Additionally, our team can consult with you on how to effectively implement preventative measures to keep snakes from returning.

Set up a consultation with us today!

Our team can help you implement everything talked about above and effectively implement removal measures to be vigilant about maintaining a snake-free environment for you. Our team here at Pure Defense wants to take to worry out of pest control so you and your family can continue being worry-free in your pest-free home and focus on what’s important.

Remember it’s important for you to stay informed about local snake species and their habits, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help if needed with any questions or pest removal. We promise that with our company, you can enjoy a snake-free home and yard all year round!